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Can't find a store near you?

Here's a list of stores and practitioners who have expressed interest in carrying Heather's Tummy Care products.

If you would like a retail store or private practitioner in your area (health food store, pharmacy, grocery store, dietitian, physician, or other) to carry Heather's Tummy Care™ products, you can simply ask them. Print the Retail Store Handout and give it to your local retailer, and they'll have all the information they need to become a wholesale vendor.

If you are a retailer interested in carrying Heather's Tummy Care, please see our wholesale information.

What IBS Folks Are Saying About US...

Bulk Acacia Kit - 3 Tummy Fiber Pouches
Bulk Acacia Kit - 3 Tummy Fiber Pouches Bulk Acacia Kit - 3 Tummy Fiber Pouches
55555 Product*11263
Recently when Amazon stopped offering I tried an alternative product after years of using Heather's fiber, definitely didn't work as well and I'm happy to be back to this product and very satisfied with quick shipping :)
Speed of Delivery
Customer Service

Tummy Tamers Peppermint Oil Caps (2 bottles)
Tummy Tamers Peppermint Oil Caps (2 bottles) Tummy Tamers Peppermint Oil Caps (2 bottles)
55555 Product*11262
It helps a lot. Have been taking this for approximately 7 years
Speed of Delivery
Customer Service

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