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Bulk Acacia Kit - 3 Tummy Fiber Pouches
Bulk Acacia Kit - 3 Tummy Fiber Pouches Bulk Acacia Kit - 3 Tummy Fiber Pouches
55555 Product*11545
Tummy Fiber Acacia
I like this product because it is easy to take with either my coffee or added into food with no taste. I especially need to make sure I get enough fiber in my diet, and this helps immensely.
Speed of Delivery
Customer Service

Tummy Fiber Acacia Senegal TRAVEL STICK PACKS (2 boxes)
Tummy Fiber Acacia Senegal TRAVEL STICK PACKS (2 boxes) Tummy Fiber Acacia Senegal TRAVEL STICK PACKS (2 boxes)
55555 Product*11542
Excellent Product!
Speed of Delivery
Customer Service

See all our Tummy Care reviews!